Calculation Explanations
All calculated fields in
Rocket Source are annotated with explanations. Simply hover over a calculated metric to display both how the column is computed as well as the values that go into it.
For example, hovering over the Sale Proceeds column, which shows you your estimated payout from Amazon after selling the item after all fees, shows you that this was calculated by taking the buybox price and subtractingthe per item fee, FBA fees, variable closing fee, and referral fee from it.
By hovering over the margin field, you can see that this is calculated by taking the profit and dividing it by the buybox price.
When you hover over the profit field, the profit calculation is shown. Profit is calculated by taking the sale proceeds and subtracting the total COGS, inbound shipping, prep cost, and FBA storage fees from it.
Similarly, when you hover over a ROI cell, you can see that this is calculated by taking the profit and dividing it by your total COGS.