Rocket Source
Potential warning signs of a product. More info here
Description of the error that is preventing RocketSource to pull data.
Amazon's unique identifier of 10 letters and/or numbers for an item
Amazon TitleAmazon
The title of the item on Amazon
Image of the item
Size of the item
How to Use
This can be very useful in determining which variation of a product the listing is for. A great example would be a "Large" t-shirt size.
Brand of the item
Color of item
How to Use
This can be very useful in determing the correction variation of the product. A great example would be a "Navy blue" t-shirt color.
Parent ASINAmazon
Parent ASIN that the item/product variation belongs to.
How to Use
If present, the Parent ASIN is an indicator that the listing has variations. Variations require special care in ensuring that you have the correct variation from your supplier and that your sales forecasts are accurate for that particular variation.
Variations ListAmazon
List of ASINs that belong to the same parent ASIN.
How to Use
If present, this will link to all the other variations of this listing.
# of VariationsAmazon
The number of variations that belong to the same parent ASIN.
How to Use
The number of variations available for the listing. Filter on this column looking for # of Variations = 0 to remove any listings with variations from your results.
Amazon Pack QuantityMixed
Number of total items in one pack.
How to Use
An indicator for whether an item is considered a multipack. Multipacks require special care to ensure that you are purchasing enough from your supplier to complete the multipack. Filter on this column looking for Amazon Pack Quantity = 1 to remove any multipacks from your results.
Small and light eligibleDerived
Optional fulfillment program offered by Amazon, allowing for lower cost FBA fees for small and light items.
Small and light eligible reasonsDerived
A list of reasons why the item is not eligible for the Small and Light program
Buybox PriceAmazon
The current price that the item is selling at.
Buybox Price NewAmazon
The current price that the item/product is selling at if it is brand new.
Buybox Price UsedAmazon
The current price that the item/product is selling at if it is used.
# of Total OffersAmazon
Number of offers that are currently selling the same item/product.
Rank / BSRAmazon
The current ranking of the product.
The category that this item/product belongs to.
Top Level CategoryDerived
Whether the category is top level or not. The products that belong to this category have higher selling rate.
How to Use
Items that do not have a Top Level Category will tend to sell very, very poorly. Best to avoid these.
BSR PercentageDerived
The product's BSR, divided by how many products are in the category
How to Use
Items with lower BSR Percentages will generally tend to sell better than items with higher BSR Percentages.
Height of the item
Width of the item
Length of the item
Weight of the item
How to Use
Items that are too heavy can make it hard to store, prep, and ship.
Competitive SellersDerived
Number of current sellers that are competing for the same price.
Inbound ShippingDerived
The estimated shipping cost to ship one unit to Amazon.
Prep CostDerived
The etsimated fee to get the product ready to meet Amazon's requirements.
FBA Storage FeesDerived
Estimated fees to store this item.
Sale ProceedsDerived
The amount of money you receive by Amazon when the item/product is sold, after Amazon fees
Sale Proceeds = Buybox Price - per item fee + FBA fees + variable closing fee + referral fee
Per Item FeeAmazon
If you aren't a Professional Amazon Seller, the additional fee that Amazon charges per item sold
FBA FeesAmazon
The amount Amazon charges you to fulfill an item through the FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) program
Variable Closing FeeAmazon
An additional, per-unit fee that Amazon charges for certain categories
Referral FeeAmazon
The fee that Amazon charges for each item sold. Generally 15% of the sale price, but it does differ depending on the product's categoy and price.
The estimated profit for this product, after accounting for all fees.
Profit = Sale Proceeds - Cost - Inbound Shipping - Prep Cost - FBA Storage Fees
How to Use
One of the most important metrics to look at. You will want to ensure that the items you are selling are meeting your minimum profitability criteria.
Estimated margin at current selling price.
Margin = Profit / Buybox Price
Estimated return of investment at the current selling price.
ROI = Profit / Cost
How to Use
An extremely important measure of how much profit your can expect from this item, relative to your purchase price. Higher ROIs are generally preferable to lower ROIs, as you can grow your capital quicker. Be aware of items with ROIs that are "too good to be true." ROIs greater than 200% or so should generally be looked at with suspicion. Ensure that the listing matches what your supplier is selling and that the Amazon Pack Quantity is correct.
IdentifierUser supplied
UPC, EAN, ISBN, or ASIN for the product.
CostUser supplied
Your cost to purchase a single unit from your supplier.
Adjusted CostUser supplied
Price with the per product discount, supplier discount, and VAT applied.
Total COGSDerived
Total cost for a whole pack, after accounting for discounts, VAT, and multipacks.
Total COGS = Adjusted Cost * Amazon Pack Quantity / Supplier Pack Quantity * Discount * Supplier Discount
StockUser supplied
If the product is available in stock and how much.
How to Use
If you mapped this, it can be a great way to quickly filter out items that your supplier does not have in stock.
MAP (Minimum Advertised Price)User supplied
Recommended minimum price.
Supplier TitleUser supplied
Title of the item/product
Supplier SKUUser supplied
Identifier number
Supplier ImageUser supplied
Image of item/product
Discount (% per product)User supplied
Discount percentage per item/product.
Supplier Pack QuantityUser supplied
The number of items that come in a pack from your supplier. Defaults to 1
Size TierDerived
To which size category does the item/product belong to.
How to Use
Filtering out Oversize tiered items can be a great way to easily remove overly bulky or heavy items, which can be a challenge for your warehousing team or can incur additional costs.
Lowest Price New FBAAmazon
The current lowest price for a new item, fulfilled via FBA
Lowest Price Used FBAAmazon
The current lowest price for a used item, fulfilled via FBA
Lowest Price New FBMAmazon
The current lowest price for a new item, fulfilled via FBM
Lowest Price Used FBMAmazon
The current lowest price for a used item, fulfilled via FBM
# New FBA offersAmazon
# New FBM offersAmazon
IP ComplaintsCrowdsourced
Whether or not this brand has a history of submitting IP complaints against sellers (true/false).
How to Use
You will generally want to avoid selling products that have a history of IP complaints, unless you have specific authorization to sell that brand.
Units per MonthCalculated
Our estimation of number of units sold per month for this item across all sellers.
Sales per MonthCalculated
Estimated sales per month for this product across all sellers.
Sales per Month = Units per Month * Buybox Price
Profit per MonthCalculated
Estimated profit per month for this product across all sellers.
Profit per Month = Units per Month * Profit
Is Brand BlocklistedYour BrandBlocklist
Whether or not the Brand that this item belongs to is on the Blocklist.
Is the item meltable or not (true/false).
How to Use
You cannot sell meltable products using FBA during the summer months, from April 15th to October 15th.
FBA EligibleAmazon
Whether or not the product is eligible to be sent into FBA. This will most commonly be false for hazmat items, if you do not have hazmat approval.
How to Use
If you cannot send a product into FBA, then you will need to sell it via FBM
NotesUser supplied
Custom notes that you or your team have added for this product
Create ListingDerived
A link to Seller Central to quickly create a listing for this ASIN
Bullet PointsAmazon
A list of bullet points used in the listing on Amazon
Has Prop 65Amazon
Whether or not the listing has California Proposition 65 requirements. The absence of a value for this column can mean that either Amazon does not have the Prop 65 info for this product OR that it does not require Prop 65 labeling. If this is empty, the product could still require Prop 65 labeling.
How to Use
Items with a Prop 65 requirement need extra labeling. There have been reports of legal firms going after sellers who do not correctly adhere to the Prop 65 labeling requirements!
Has ExpirationAmazon
Whether or not the listing has an expiration date
How to Use
If the product requries an expiration date, then that needs to included as a label when sending the product in to FBA.
The type of material the product is made of, according to Amazon's catalog
BSR 30DCalculated
The average BSR of this product over the past 30 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
BSR 60DCalculated
The average BSR of this product over the past 60 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
BSR 90DCalculated
The average BSR of this product over the past 90 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
BSR 180DCalculated
The average BSR of this product over the past 180 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
Average Price 30DCalculated
The average average price of this product over the past 30 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
Average Price 60DCalculated
The average average price of this product over the past 60 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
Average Price 90DCalculated
The average average price of this product over the past 90 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
Average Price 180DCalculated
The average average price of this product over the past 180 days. -1 indicates insufficient data
Sales Rank Drops 30DCalculated
The number of times the sales rank (or BSR) has dropped over the past 30 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
Each sales rank drop can be assumed to be one order. A single order may be for one or more units. This sets a minimum level of estimated units sold over the prior 30 days. The actual number of units sold could be higher, but not lower.
Sales Rank Drops 60DCalculated
The number of times the sales rank (or BSR) has dropped over the past 60 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
Each sales rank drop can be assumed to be one order. A single order may be for one or more units. This sets a minimum level of estimated units sold over the prior 60 days. The actual number of units sold could be higher, but not lower.
Sales Rank Drops 90DCalculated
The number of times the sales rank (or BSR) has dropped over the past 90 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
Each sales rank drop can be assumed to be one order. A single order may be for one or more units. This sets a minimum level of estimated units sold over the prior 90 days. The actual number of units sold could be higher, but not lower.
Sales Rank Drops 180DCalculated
The number of times the sales rank (or BSR) has dropped over the past 180 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
Each sales rank drop can be assumed to be one order. A single order may be for one or more units. This sets a minimum level of estimated units sold over the prior 180 days. The actual number of units sold could be higher, but not lower.
Amazon in Stock Rate 30DCalculated
The percentage of time Amazon has been in stock on this product over the past 30 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
If you don't want to compete against Amazon, look for low values here, indicating that Amazon has not been on the listing very often.
Amazon in Stock Rate 60DCalculated
The percentage of time Amazon has been in stock on this product over the past 60 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
If you don't want to compete against Amazon, look for low values here, indicating that Amazon has not been on the listing very often.
Amazon in Stock Rate 90DCalculated
The percentage of time Amazon has been in stock on this product over the past 90 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
If you don't want to compete against Amazon, look for low values here, indicating that Amazon has not been on the listing very often.
Amazon in Stock Rate 180DCalculated
The percentage of time Amazon has been in stock on this product over the past 180 days. An empty cell indicates insufficient data
How to Use
If you don't want to compete against Amazon, look for low values here, indicating that Amazon has not been on the listing very often.
Release DateAmazon
The first date the item appeared on Amazon. Not available for many products
A list of the UPCs the product has associated with it
A list of the EANs the product has associated with it
A list of the ISBNs the product has associated with it
TagsUser supplied
Various tags or classifications for your products, such as "Breakable", "Requires Polybag", "Glass", or "Christmas"
Listing MatchUser supplied
Whether or not the product your supplier is selling matches this Amazon listing